
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Music, roly polys, and butts

We are learning about the body this week in preschool. Yesterday Chelsie tackled bones and I decided to work on ears and fingers today. How are they related? I have no idea, I just came up with easy craft ideas for each. If there is one thing I dislike about homeschooling it is totally having to think up crafts all by myself. I am craft stupid and tend to just give L some glue and some trash and tell him to "think of something to make out of this". Probably won't win any awards with that one.  Not today, today my crafts were so epic, so amazing, he actually took a picture of them. Well one of them anyway. Prepare to be amazed.......

Yep, we used stamps to show how we each have different finger prints. GENIUS? I know, I accept the award for most creative homeschooling art project.
L then proceeded to ask me if we could learn about butts next. You know like "what kind of music we can make with them." He is sooooo my child.

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